Gemeinsamer Besuch des Zoom Vortrages zum Thema "crisis intervention – the corona pandemic and its effects on mental health "

giovedì 28 gennaio 2021 20:00-22:00, Online via Zoom
Sito web:

Dr. rer. nat. Fabienne Große Wentrup

Gemeinsam besuchen wir den Zoom Vortrag von Dr. rer. nat. Fabienne Große Wentrup des Rotaract Clubs Munich International.

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Hier die Offizielle Beschreibung zum Vortrag des Rotaract Munich International

"We’re pleased to announce our next speaker, who will be talking to us about the effects of the covid-19-pandemic on mental health, and ways and methods for the individual for coping with the situation.  

Dr. Fabienne Große Wentrup is a clinical psychologist and researcher at the department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University Hospital of Munich, her PhD-thesis concerns affective disorders and empathy. Recently, she helped develop messenger-based communication in psychotherapy (e.g. via WhatsApp), video-consultation methods, and also the psychological support of health-workers (help-the-helper hotline). 

Please join us for this very relevant talk!"

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