Zoom Event - Dr.Ahmed Omran - Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics Garching Germany- Topic "Experimenting with the coldest objects in the universe"

Thursday, February 11, 2021 20:00-22:00, Online via Zoom
Website: https://tum-conf.zoom.us/j/62511918504

Dr. Ahmed Omran

Together we will visit the Zoom Presentation of Rotaract Munich International Member Dr. Ahmed Omran about the topic "Experimenting with the coldest objects in the universe "

Here you find the original description of the event;

Dear members, guests, and friends of RACMunich-International,

we’re very excited to announce our next speaker: Dr.Ahmed Omran.

Ahmed is an experimental physicist who graduated from TUM and did his PhD at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching. There, he helped build an experiment using extremely cold atoms trapped in artificial crystals of light, to simulate complex quantum systems that cannot be simulated on any regular computer

He spent 4 years doing similar research at Harvard University using single cold atoms that can be sorted at will to arbitrary patterns using lasers. The same technology can potentially be used to build specialised quantum computers in the future.

Now he is transitioning into research on artificial intelligence at Google AI in Zurich, working on new directions of Machine Learning.

Please join us for this awesome, sciency talk in our usual meeting via Zoom!


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